Monday, March 8, 2010

What is A Blog?

Blog is a personal diary , opinion of a person or a group of person. Some may be have positive views and some critic views. When some one writes a blog he should use its own words , experience , research work or express yourself, ideas new era thinking, personal feelings, current affairs etc. Blog is a web space.
After creating a blog you have to invite people or groups to visit and comments on your blog and you have to write blog so intractive to visitors. You are not advised to invite traffic directly to your blog. You have to use multiple media’s, like face book , google groups, flixya, or you have to add blog url in web directories and submit url in search engine crawal.
Blog shoild be precise , informative, creative, latest, up to date. Their should no copy paste from other web site or blog or any other entity.
Blog writing should be consist of your own opinion , feelings or sum of future information.
Blog title or name should be consist of search keywords, relating to your context. Blog should be consist of about your studies , profession , community.
When traffic came to your blog it generate income. one should avoid unvalid clicks it will block your blog and as well your blog account.
When your share your blog url in other forum and groups of google and yahoo and msn or face book.
The creator of blog have to maintain up to date blog information /topic as per latest information or as per visitor’s opinions.
You can associate your blog with flixya by this you do not have to work more for your blog advertisement.

Monday, November 24, 2008

tips about skin care

Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) skin disease characterized by
scaling and inflammation. Scaling occurs when cells in the outer layer
of the skin reproduce faster than normal and pile up on the skin's
Psoriasis affects as many as 80 million people worldwide. Although the
disease occurs in all age groups and about equally in men and women,
it primarily affects adults. People with psoriasis may suffer
discomfort, including pain and itching, restricted motion in their
joints, and emotional distress.

In its most typical form, psoriasis results in patches of thick, red
skin covered with silvery scales. These patches, which are sometimes
referred to as plaques, usually itch and may burn. The skin at the
joints may crack. Psoriasis most often occurs on the elbows, knees,
scalp, lower back, face, palms, and soles of the feet but it can
affect any skin site. The disease may also affect the fingernails, the
toenails, and the soft tissues inside the mouth and genitalia. About
15 percent of people with psoriasis have joint inflammation that
produces arthritis symptoms. This condition is called psoriatic
arthritis. Patients with AIDS may also develop very extensive
psoriasis that is resistant to current therapies.

Ever noticed sudden red, scaly patches of skin on your body? It could
be psoriasis. Read on to find out more about this disease.

Psoriasis is a disease that mainly affects the skin of an individual.
Occasionally, it may spread to the joints. This condition is chronic
in nature and keeps recurring from time to time. In this disease,
scaly, reddish patches appear on the skin. This is a sign of
inflammation. These inflamed areas also experience excessive skin
production. Therefore, a silvery-white layer of skin develops over the
red patches. When it affects the joints, it can cause a form of

Causes of Psoriasis

There is no single cause of psoriasis. The disease is believed to be
the result of a variety of interlinking factors. Psoriasis is
generally perceived to be due to genetic reasons. However, it may be
aggravated by external factors such as smoking and excessive alcohol
consumption. Stress also plays a role in enhancing the symptoms of
psoriasis. The disease may be manifested on any part of the body,
including areas like the scalp, elbows, joints of limbs, etc.

This disease strikes both males and females, on an equal basis. It can
affect people of all ages but is most likely to affect an individual
between fifteen and twenty five years of age. People affected between
these ages are also more likely to suffer frequent recurrences and
have a greater level of inflammation.

Types of Psoriasis

Psoriasis can occur in a variety of forms as follows:

Plaque psoriasis: It is the most common form of psoriasis and affects
nearly ninety percent of the people afflicted with this disease. In
this form, the inflamed areas are lightly covered with silvery skin.
The entire inflamed portion is also raised up slightly, giving it a
plaque-like appearance.

Flexural psoriasis: In this type, the inflamed skin has a smooth
appearance. It is commonly observed in the folds of skin between the
thigh and groin, armpit area, under an overweight stomach etc. Due to
its location, the psoriasis tends to be aggravated by factors such as
sweat and friction. This also makes the area vulnerable to fungal

Guttate psoriasis: This type of psoriasis is characterised by
numerous, tiny, oval shaped inflamed areas. These spots occupy large
areas of the skin such as the chest, scalp, etc. This type of
psoriasis is associated with a throat infection caused by
streptococcus bacteria.

Pustular psoriasis: People afflicted with this form of psoriasis
typically have raised parts of red skin. These raised areas are filled
with a pus-like fluid which is non-infectious. The pustules may be
restricted to one particular area of the body i.e. localised or they
may be spread all over.

Psoriatic arthritis: This type of psoriasis causes inflammation of the
connective tissue in the joints. It usually affects the joints of
fingers, toes, knees, hips, and the spine. If it is in the fingers or
toes, these appendages tend to swell up and the condition is referred
to as dactylitis.

Erythrodermic psoriasis: This is an extremely advanced form of
psoriasis. There is widespread inflammation of the skin and plaques
cover almost every inch of the body. These plaques are itchy, swell up
and cause and are extremely painful. This type of psoriasis may be
deadly, since the plaques prevent the skin from regulating the body

Treatments Available

Treatment for psoriasis is difficult because results for any method
vary greatly among people. Initially, a medicated cream containing
corticosteroids and vitamin D is applied to the affected area.
Corticosteroids reduce inflammation while vitamin D inhibits the
growth of skin cells.

If the creams do not work, the next available treatment is
phototherapy. The outer layer of the skin can absorb ultraviolet light
belonging to the 'B' spectrum i.e. UVB light. Regular exposure to UVB
light, over a period of several weeks, is believed to cure psoriasis
completely. This treatment is usually carried out along with
application of medicated creams.

For extremely resistant forms of the disease, specialised medicines
have been formulated, which are either injected or taken orally. These
medicines interfere with the immune system response associated with
psoriasis. However, these medicines are extremely toxic and patients
taking them must also undergo regular blood and liver function tests.

Patients suffering from this disease should not lose heart.
Researchers are constantly coming up with new medicines and treatment
options. In time, an actual cure for psoriasis will be found.

Have you ever had an attack of psoriasis? How did you manage to subdue
it? What other treatments for psoriasis have you heard about? To share
your tips, views, and experiences, click here.